Getting Started

Getting started with Datacol is easy. Take following steps to get started -

1. Get a GCP account

If you don’t have a Google cloud account, please go ahead and create one. GCP provides you $300 free credits for 12-months which should be more than enough for a test drive.

2. Install CLI

In this step you will install Datacol Command Line Interface (CLI). You will use CLI to manage and scale your applications, to provision cloudsql databases, to view logs, and others. We currently provide CLI for Linux, Mac and Windows.

Install on Mac

$ curl -Ls > /tmp/
$ unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin

Install on Linux

$ curl -Ls > /tmp/
$ unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin

We recommend to move datacol executable in your bin path. Make sure it’s installed correctly by running -

$ datacol -v
datacol version 1.0.0-alpha.5

3. Stack creation

Create a base stack to get up and running. You can later share stack details with your team members to collaborate.

datacol init --stack demo

It will install a Datacol Stack by name demo in your GCP account with required resources. It will take couple of minutes to complete. Hit Ctrl-C if you want to cancel the process.

4. Deploy a sample app

In this step we’ll show you how to launch your first app and interact with it. Any application having Dockerfile at root level should be eligible for deployment. If you don’t have one, Please follow guidelines for creating Dockerfile on Docker website.

Let’s start with a sample to get started -

$ git clone
$ cd samples/node-demo && ls
Dockerfile  index.js  package.json

To create a new app under demo stack -

$ STACK=demo datacol apps create
$ datacol deploy

When you first create an app, it might take 3-5 minutes for LoadBalancer to allocate an IP. Use --wait flag if you wait for an IP.

Afterwards just check if the service is running at the IP -

$ curl http://<IP>:8080
hello world!