Infrastructure Services

A stack includes a Kubernetes cluster, and the best way to deploy infrastructure services or add-ons is to use Helm package manager.

To install helm on a stack run -

datacol helm init

  helm init [flags]

      --canary-image          use the canary tiller image
  -c, --client-only           if set does not install tiller
      --dry-run               do not install local or remote
  -i, --tiller-image string   override tiller image
      --upgrade               upgrade if tiller is already installed

Global Flags:
      --debug                     enable verbose output
      --host string               address of tiller. Overrides $HELM_HOST
      --tiller-namespace string   namespace of tiller (default "kube-system")

Afterwards you can install any Helm chart in namespace (<stack-name>) on the cluster. For example, Let’s install redis on datacol stack -

datacol helm install stable/redis

Interacting with Kubernetes

Though we provide a control-layer on top of Kubernetes, you can directly connect to cluster using datacol kubectl and go wild :), like -

  datacol kubectl get pods,svc,deployments
  datacol kubectl cluster-info
  datacol kubectl apply -f redis-deployment.yaml