CloudSQL Integration

Datacol provides tight integration with cloud services like CloudSQL. It’s easy to create resources and manage them as a part of stack.

We support MySQL (Second Generation) and Postgresql currently.

How to create

To create a MySQL second generation resource, run

> datacol infra create mysql
Creating mysql-31516 (mysql: activation_policy="ALWAYS" db_version="MYSQL_5_7" tier="db-n1-standard-1")

It will provision a managed MySQL instance, a database(app) and an user with strong password.

Available options

Name Description Value
name Name of the resource /[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?/
db_version database version to use MySQL_5_7, MySQL_5_6, POSTGRES_9_6
tier database machine type to use db-{f1-micro,g1-small...db-n1-highmem-32} more at

Get information

To get information and settings, run

> datacol infra info mysql-31516

DATABASE_URL can act like DSN connection string to connect from various language drivers and frameworks if deployed with cloudsql-proxy.

To link a mysql/postgres resource to an app, run datacol infra link like -

> datacol infra link mysql-31516

datacol infra link will provision cloudsql-proxy as a sidecar container along with your application in a pod with correct service account credentials.

To unlink a mysql/postgres resource from an app

> datacol infra unlink mysql-31516

How to delete

To delete a mysql/postgres resource from stack

> datacol infra delete mysql-31516